SIOP is for all those engaged in paediatric oncology.
The SIOP Congress programme highlights traditionally include:
- Keynote Lectures and Symposia
- A Young Investigator Programme
- Meet the Experts
- Educational Lectures
- Free Paper Sessions, and Poster Viewing and Discussions
- Specialist Sessions on Paediatric Surgical Oncology (IPSO)
- Specialist Sessions on Paediatric Radiation Oncology (PROS)
- Specialist Sessions for Developing Countries (PODC)
- Specialist Sessions on Paediatric Psycho-Oncology (PPO)
- Specialist Sessions for Nursing
- Award Lectures and Networking Opportunities
Take a look at some of the SIOP 2020 programme highlights below:
* Please note the programme highlights are subject to change
D’angio Lecture: Focalized Radiotherapy to Convert the Tumour into an “In Situ”, Individualized Vaccine
Silvia Chiara Formenti (USA)
Palliative Care
Joanne Wolfe (USA)
Symptoms Experienced by Children and Adolescents During Cancer Treatment
Marilyn Hockenberry (USA)
Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency and Paediatric Cancer
Uri Tabori (Canada)
Developing and Testing Epigenetic Therapy in Pаediatric Cancer
Poul Sorensen (Canada)
IPSO: Guided Surgery
Eiso Hiyama (Japan)
Tumor Board: Rhabdomyosarcoma case
Invited Speakers: Lesleigh Abbott, Kerri Highmore, Lynn Chang, Dina El Demellawy, Canada
Tumor Board: ETMR case
Invited Speakers: Hallie Coltin, Julie Hurteau, David McAuley, Canada
Everything You Wanted to Know About Single Cell Sequencing
Invited Speaker: Kathrin Bernt, USA
The Risks and Potential Benefits of Cannabinoid Therapy in Pediatric Oncology
Invited Speaker: Taylor Lougheed, Canada
Unique Issues of Cancer in Children with Down Syndrome
Invited Speaker: Hans Hitzler, Canada
Promoting Health and Well-Being Among Health Providers in Pediatric Cancer
Invited Speaker: Caroline Gerin-Lajoie, Canada
Melanoma in Children
Invited Speaker: TBD
New Biological Findings and Clinical Trials in Histiocytosis And Histiocytic Disorders Histiocytoses 2020: New insights and therapeutic opportunities
Convener: Carl Allen, USA
AML: New Discoveries and New Therapies
Convener: Gertjan Kaspers, The Netherlands
Management of Limb Non-RMS Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Chairs: Anita Mahajan, Rolf Kortman
Modern Treatment of Desmoid Tumors
Convener: Pablo Lobos, Argentina
My Child Matters (MCM) – Advocacy Symposium: SIOP and the Global Initiative Against Childhood Cancer
Convenor: Kathy Pritchard Jones, UK
New Developments in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
Convener: Kirk Schultz, Canada
New Developments in the Biology and Treatment of Gliomas in Children and Adolescents
Convener: Darren Hargrave, UK